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Snowflake Invitation to Create Tray

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This year, Miss L will be turning 4. So, I decided there’s no better time than now to create a new preschool curriculum. I am going to go one month at a time, and at the end of the semester, I will be adding all of the lessons together to create a free curriculum for preschool. The first week, we are learning all about the letter S. To kick it off I created this fun snowflake invitation to create activity. Miss L, loves this fun snowflake invitation to create tray. They are easy to put together and are so engaging!

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What is an Invitation to Create Tray?

snowflake invitation to create tray

An invitation to create is a simple tray that you put together with craft items or play dough (really the possibilities are limitless.)

I bought the trays we use at the Dollar Tree years ago. But honestly, you could use anything you have on hand. Even a plate or a cooking sheet works. These trays work great with unit studies, learning about the alphabet, seasonal crafting, and more. Below are 30 topics that you can create an invitation to create a tray around, to get your brain jogging!

  • Snowmen
  • Snowflakes
  • Polar bears
  • Learning the alphabet
  • Learning numbers
  • Fall leaves
  • Santa
  • Space
  • Planets
  • Ocean layers
  • Sharks
  • Penguins
  • Birthday cake
  • Fourth of July
  • Bugs
  • Christmas tree
  • Butterflies
  • Freestyle art
  • Birds
  • Snakes
  • Turtles
  • Around the world
  • Flowers
  • Bees
  • Ladybugs
  • Beach
  • Fish
  • Mouse
  • Easter eggs
  • Unicorns

Honestly, you can take any topic you are learning about or that your child is interested in. Use your imagination and creativity.

How to Make an Invitation to Create Tray?

snowflake invitation to create tray

Making an invitation to create a tray is very easy. I buy most of my materials at the local Dollar Tree. Here you can get plenty of craft supplies for cheap and there is a variety to choose from.

One of the first steps is planning what type of invitation to create tray to make. You can do one that includes craft supplies, like paper and glue. Or you can do one that includes hands on activities like play-doh or kinetic sand.

Next, gather your materials. Start by looking in your craft or homeschooling supplies. Supplies that are great to use for an invitation to create a tray are:

  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Glitter
  • Googly eyes
  • Pom poms
  • Sequins
  • Stickers
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Fake flowers
  • Playdough
  • Kinetic sand
  • Buttons
  • Paint
  • Ribbon
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Construction paper
  • Cotton balls

Gather your materials and place them in the tray. Put the tray in the middle of the table and let your kids loose! It’s really that easy. My kids sometimes spend up to an hour creating whatever their minds imagine. This is a great hands-on activity for those who need a way to entertain their kids while they get stuff done.

Snowflake Invitation to Create Tray

snowflake invitation to create tray

This snowflake invitation to create a tray is part of the new preschool curriculum I created for Miss L. If you want to create one similar to this one, you will need the following materials:

  • Snowflake cutouts. These can be printed out and cut or free-handed.
  • Buttons or sequins
  • Glitter
  • Markers
  • Paint
  • Glue

Of course, you can make this your own and add whatever materials you and your kiddos want!

Now, just let your child loose with their imagination and see what they create. Here are some ideas my kiddos came up with.

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YouTube Videos About Snow and Winter for Preschoolers

One of my favorite ways to create a unit study is to pair crafts, books, and videos together. For a unit study about snowflakes for preschoolers, you don’t have to make it long or drawn out. Just a few quick activities, videos, and books can make it fun and engaging. Below are a few of our favorite videos about snowflakes:

Books About Snowflakes for Kids

Books are also a fun way to introduce a topic to little ones. You can watch a read-aloud on YouTube, check out your local library, and scour your own collection. Here are a few read-aloud books we are using for this unit study on snowflakes.

Preschool Can be Fun

snowflake invitation to create tray

If you are a new homeschooling mom, wondering how to homeschool preschool, the good news is, it can be fun! There are so many free resources and fun ways to incorporate learning into your everyday life. Also, preschool shouldn’t take very long each day (or even every other day.) Remember, play is one of the best ways to learn anything when your child is still so little!

Are you looking for some more crafts and activities to do with your little one?

Here are some great ones to check out if you are looking for more ideas to do with your little one!

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