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9 Basic Ways to Manage Stress as a Mom

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How Stress Affects You as a Mom

What Does Stress do to You as a Mom?

Stress is such a killjoy. I can take your household hostage, not to mention your mind. It is tough to be peaceful when you’re drowning in stress. Stress affects you as a mom immensely, in ways you may not even notice. (Read: Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom.)

What Does Stress do to Your Household?

by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels 

manage stress as a mom
by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

When mom is stressed then the whole household may feel like it’s drowning as well. We set the tone for our house. And it’s not fair, but it’s pretty accurate. Sure, dad plays a role as well, but the moms typically control the temperature of our household. So, if the mom is stressed, the children will also feel that stress.

As moms, we want to be able to do everything and be everything.

Sometimes, we take on too much because we believe we can do everything. We want to prove that we can. But it’s just not possible. You cannot be everything and do everything.

You aren’t superwoman. 

Taking on everything and trying to do everything can be the source of our stress as moms.

Here Are 9 Ways to Manage Stress as a Mom

reactive parenting being a cranky mom
by Photo By from Pexels

Learn to Say No

This is a big one. If we take on less, we will be relaxed. It is essential to learn the word no. Often, it’s the very first word we learn as children and babies.

But somewhere along the line, as we grow into adults, we feel like we can’t say no to things. Learn how to say no and that you don’t have to offer an excuse or reason. You don’t owe anyone a reason to answer no.

Prioritize Self-Care 

You can’t pour from an empty cup. You have to put on your breathing mask before you put on someone else’s. We have learned and heard all the analogies that tell us to care for ourselves first as moms.

But it is still challenging to do. We start the day with a full cup and then divvy it out to everybody and everything that needs us, and when we’re done, there’s nothing left for us.

Prioritize self-care. It is not selfish to take a shower. It is not selfish to eat a healthy meal or work out. It’s also not selfish to say hey, kids, mommy needs 30 minutes. I need some alone time. Can you guys please play quietly for a few minutes? If they’re still pretty little, there’s nothing wrong with putting them down for a quiet time. Prioritize self-care. You are worth it.

Learn to Recognize Your Triggers

by Nuttawan Jayawan from Getty Images
by Nuttawan Jayawan from Getty Images

We all have triggers. Things that make us stressed. Triggers that overwhelm us and cause us to become frustrated. Learn to recognize what your triggers are. Over the last eight years, I have learned what triggers me. I say it out loud and acknowledge it to other people.

For example, I am married to a very fast-paced man. It’s just who he is; however, when we are getting ready, although he helps a lot, I am the one doing most of everything regarding the kids. Several weeks ago, I realized that when I would become frustrated, overwhelmed, and stressed right before we left, a lot of it stems from feeling rushed.

So, I told him I get stressed out when you rush me. He said OK, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. And he has worked on not rushing me, and I have worked on becoming a little bit faster.  It’s that simple: speak it out loud and learn to recognize your triggers so you can help yourself.


Exercise releases endorphins, which make you happy. I have always had this saying stuck in my head. As a teenager, I was a cheerleader, and I would go out to eat with my friends after every football game. In one particular game, we were highly giggly. One of my friends asked why we were feeling so slap happy, another said “we just got done exercising. Exercise releases endorphins, and endorphins make you happy!”. So, exercise! We don’t always like it, but you feel better after exercise. That is because exercise releases those endorphins, and those endorphins make you happy!

Call a Friend

If you’re feeling stressed, sometimes all you need is to talk it out with somebody. Call a friend, someone you can trust, to vent. Or even send a quick text. It can do wonders and make you feel much better after you talk it out with somebody.

Take a 5-Minute Break

by Thirdman from Pexels
by Thirdman from Pexels

Leave the room if you’re feeling frustrated. Take a five-minute break. It’s not going to hurt your children if you take a second to calm down. In fact, it’s good for you and it’s good for your house.

If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, instead of reacting, take a five-minute breather.

Do Something by Yourself

Figure out something that you love and do it for yourself. As moms, we get lost in ourselves. Sometimes, we feel like we’re nothing more than mom. At least I know I have felt this way.

When you have a hobby or something you love and look forward to doing, it can help you manage your stress easier. Because you no longer felt like you are just here to serve others.

Prepare for the Week Ahead 

Listen, I am a type B personality, 100%. It is a struggle for me to plan, prep, and organize. It has gotten me out of my comfort zone, but I have tried my hardest to make it a priority.

I have four children, one of them as an infant, and the other three I homeschool. I must plan the weeks; otherwise, I will feel stressed in chaos all the time. If that is you, and you are like me, I am here to tell you it’s 100% worth it.

Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help

de-escalate from toddler tantrum calm down a toddler tantrum
by Helena Lopes from Pexels

Recently, I went for a four-week check-up right after I had my fourth child. My doctor has been my doctor since childhood reminded me not to try to do everything on my own. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; Jenna is what she said. I said no, I didn’t try to do everything alone. And then she gave me a reality check.

She said you might not do it now, but you used to, so I just wanted to remind you not to try to do everything alone. And I’m here to remind you the same thing. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It doesn’t mean you’re weak or a terrible mom if you don’t do everything.

Because trying to do everything is often the root of our stress as moms. The happiest moms are the ones to ask for help. So don’t be afraid.

No one likes to be stressed. We want to enjoy motherhood. Time goes too fast. It is possible to enjoy motherhood and not be stressed all the time. I hope these steps have helped you and you have found some that you can use daily. (Read: How to Calm Down a Toddler Tantrum.)

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