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Easy Candy Cane Toddler Craft

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Are you looking for a fun but easy craft to do with your toddler? This candy cane toddler craft requires very little materials and can be made in a snap. Get into the holiday spirit by creating engaging and simple crafts with your crafts. If you are looking for some more fun winter ideas take a look at the crafts below:

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Easy Candy Cane Toddler Craft

The first thing you need to do before making this craft is gather your materials. All you need is:

  • Red construction paper
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • White cotton balls

Put the Candy Cane Together

Now to make the candy cane craft you will first draw a candy cane onto the red construction paper. Then cut it out.

Next, tear pieces of the cotton balls apart. Then let your child glue the pieces onto the candy cane! It’s really that easy peasy!

Are you looking for some fun activities to do with your kids? Try one of these hands-on crafts!

What to do next: Join the FB Group: From Chaos to Calm.

Are you looking for some more fun activities to do with your kids? Check out my shop! Here you will find hands on learning in the form of mazes, word searches, seasonal worksheets, and more!

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