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21 Peaceful Parenting Mantras

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21 Peaceful Parenting Mantras

what is positive parenting
by studioroman (5)

Being a parent isn’t for the faint of heart. Sometimes, you need that extra reminder, a mantra, so to speak, that helps you bring back your focus when everything seems to be going haywire.

When the days are long, you are stressed and tired, and you wonder if you are making any difference in your child’s life, having a parenting mantra can help you refocus your mind. Parenting mantras are easy and quick phrases you can say to yourself or even print out, jot on a piece of paper, and stick on the fridge.

While they are simple and easy to say, the words we speak to ourselves can have a great impact on our daily lives. They allow us to start adopting a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset, and they can encourage us when we are feeling down—and let’s face it, moms aren’t exempt from feeling down or stressed.

If you have needed a little pick me up, try adopting one of these parenting mantras to bring your focus back to how much of a rock star parent you are!

Parenting Mantras Worth Adopting Today

positive parenting what is positive parenting
by StockSnap from pixabay (1)

Being a peaceful mom doesn’t come easy to everyone. Sometimes, it takes a ton of work. Often, parents have to do internal work within themselves before they can reach their full potential of becoming the peaceful parents they want to be. Is it hard? Absolutely. Is it worth it? 100 percent. Our children deserve a happy, calm parent who has worked through their own baggage. Working through baggage is challenging. But when we do it, we are putting in the effort to ensure our children at least have a chance to avoid carrying our baggage on their own.

This means it’s essential to stay focused on our parenting efforts. One way to do so is to add a powerful tool to our daily lives—a parenting mantra. Think about what type of parent you want to be. Do you want to work on remaining calm when your child is melting down? Repeating a mantra such as “I can be my child’s calm” can help bring our minds back to focus. This is especially true if we are prone to reactive parenting. See below if any of these 21 peaceful parenting mantras are perfect to add to your daily life today.

Pause. Breathe. Begin Again

Sometimes, as parents, it’s easy to give in to reactive parenting. When our child is melting down or not listening, our first response is to react. This can be a learned behavior or something about our child’s behavior may be triggering to us. Regardless, when this is happening, it helps to remind us to pause, breathe, and begin again.

If you find yourself close to reacting explosively to something your child is doing or saying, repeat this mantra. It will remind you that it is okay to stop and breathe before reacting.

I am Good Enough

Pressure. It’s something so many moms feel. The fear of not being good enough for your child can be genuine, and it inhibits us from our true potential to become a peaceful mom.

It’s important to remind ourselves, especially if we have this fear, that I am good enough. I am the perfect and right mom for my child.

I am the Best I Can be For My Child

 by Emma Bauso from Pexels
by Emma Bauso from Pexels

To go along with “I am good enough,” another excellent mantra is “I am the best I can be for my child.” This doesn’t mean that you can’t continually improve, especially if there are things that you may need to work on. But it is meant to remind yourself that in this moment, you are doing the best you can for your child, and that is enough.

My Child is Loved

With the weight of expectations and pressure on us moms, it’s easy to forget the most important thing we can give our children: love. When you begin to feel like you are not enough or you are not doing enough for your kid, stop and repeat this mantra.

My child is loved. This is what they need as they grow.

My Child is Safe

Another vital mantra to remind yourself is, “My child is safe.” Maybe your child doesn’t have all the most expensive gadgets or gets to go on fancy vacations. But are they loved? Are they safe? At the end of the day, that is what matters.

This is Not an Emergency

Getting into our heads is a commonality that so many moms have. Often, situations will bombard us and weigh us down until we have immense anxiety that won’t go away.

If this happens, step back and repeat the mantra, “This is not an emergency.” If it’s something that can wait or a situation you can’t control, this mantra can help refocus your mind. This can also be used if you are facing challenging behavior from your child.

We Are Learning as we Go

mom and daughter
by Gustavo Fring from Pexels (2)

No one is a perfect parent. I always say there is no perfect way to be a parent, and there are a million ways to be a good parent. Every one of us is learning as we go. It’s okay to remind yourself of this fact.

I Can’t Control Anyone Except Myself

This mantra is essential for those who love to be in control. It’s good to remind ourselves that the only person we can control is ourselves. This means we control our reactions, actions, thoughts, and how we respond to be, including our children.

Maybe we can’t control our child’s behavior; really, it’s not up to us anyway. We can guide and train our children, teach them, and raise them, but ultimately, their choices are their own. The only person you CAN control is you.

I Can Only do What I Can With What I Know; then, When I Know Better, I do Better

This is an excellent reminder for those who often drown in self-guilt. Maybe you regret your reaction to your child two years ago or two weeks ago. You may look back on your life and realize how you handled a situation wasn’t necessarily the best way.

If you find yourself in this situation, remember that people do what they can with what they know. When they know better, they can do better.

Self-Care is Important

by Photo By from Pexels

Self-care is not selfish. When you care for yourself, you model excellent self-love for your children.

This Moment is the Only Thing That Matters

Living in the moment matters. We have minds full of to-dos and what-ifs. However, when we are with our children, being in the moment is the only thing that truly matters.

This Isn’t Personal

If you feel hurt by your child’s behavior, a great mantra to adopt is “this isn’t personal.” Children typically do not act in a sure way to hurt their parents. Most of the time, they are just trying to figure out life. That means if your child says something that can be perceived as hurtful, it doesn’t mean it was personal. If your child misbehaves in the grocery store, it’s important to remind yourself that they aren’t necessarily “giving you a hard time.” What is going on can be much more profound. It’s possible they haven’t figured out their emotions, triggers, or anything else. This is especially true if a child is young.

This isn’t personal. Say it. Believe it. Adopt it. Children are children. If we, as adults, sometimes have a hard time controlling our behaviors and emotions, why should we expect a young child to?

This, too, Shall Pass.

Nothing lasts forever. It’s a good idea to remind yourself of this fact when life gets tough.

I’m Allowed to Be Human and Have a Bad Day

You don’t have to be a perfect parent. You are allowed to be human. Everyone has bad days. If you have a terrible day and feel instantly guilty, you may expect way too much out of yourself.

I Believe in Myself

Self-belief can do wonders in a person’s life. Even if situations may not work out as you thought, you are working hard. Believe in yourself.

Today is a Good Day for a Good Day

by studioroman (2)
by studioroman

Every day is a new start. It can be a good day or a bad day. If we start the day off with a positive attitude, it’s going to end up being a good day.

Even I Can Have a Do-Over

A do-over is something I ask my kids all the time if they want. If they wake up cranky, come downstairs with a sour attitude, and are grumpy to everyone, I can easily lay into them. This does no good for anyone. So, I have gotten into the habit of asking my child if they would like a do-over. They walk up the stairs and come back down when ready to start the day fresh. This isn’t just with the beginning of the day, either. These do-overs can be applied anytime.

I am Grateful

Gratitude does wonders for a person’s mind and heart. If you feel down and negative, remind yourself of everything you must be grateful for.

I Deserve Help

No mom needs to do everything on their own. You deserve help just like everyone else. Do not be afraid to ask for it.

I am Loved

Your child loves you strictly for who you are. Whether you feel it or not. Remind yourself that so many people love you.

I Can Be My Child’s Calm

Even if you don’t feel like it, you can be your child’s calm when they are melting down. The more you remind yourself of this fact, the easier it becomes. Chances are, some of that calm will rub right off on your child.

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