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  • Letter Tracing Morning Pack

    The Alphabet Tracing Morning Work Pack comes with 99 pages of coloring, tracing, and writing each letter in the alphabet and numbers up to 20. There are pages for double letter practice, lowercase, and uppercase letter practice.


  • Alphabet Counting Pack

    When you purchase the Alphabet Counting Pack you will receive 26 pages of counting activities for your child. Reinforce letter recognition while also learning how to count!


  • Alphabet Mazes Pack

    When you purchase the Alphabet Mazes Pack you will receive 26 pages of maze activities for your child. Reinforce letter recognition while having fun with mazes!


  • Alphabet Matching Pack

      When you purchase the Alphabet Matching you will receive 20 pages of matching activities for your child. Reinforce capital letter and lower-case recognition. Additionally, challenge your child with word matching. This is perfect for morning work.


  • Alphabet Coloring Pages

      When you purchase the Alphabet coloring pages you will receive 26 pages of coloring for your child. There is one letter per page. This is perfect for reinforcing letter recognition.


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