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Mummy Rice Krispie Treat Snack for Kids

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Mummy Rice Krispie Treat Snack for Kids

mummy rice Krispie treat snack for kids

We loved going through the Ancient Civilization unit during our Gather Round years! During that unit, we made fun snacks and crafts to share with you all! These mummy rice Krispie treat snacks for kids were so fun and yummy! (Read: How to Make a Butterfly Snack for Kids.)

I absolutely love to combine every aspect of our day while doing school. These means if we are doing a study on an ancient civilization, then I’ll see what sort of snack I can make the kids to enjoy while we are doing our lessons. Are we learning about the USA? I incorporate fun songs to help the kids learn about the presidents and the states.

There are so many different ways to be creative in your homeschool. Adding a simple and fun snack is a great way to get your kids excited about what they are learning.

They can also get hands on and help you make the snacks themselves! Now, of course I try to make many of my snacks healthy. But that doesn’t always happen. I don’t believe a sweet treat is going to hurt as long as your child isn’t eating it all the time every day. Therefore, this rice Krispie treat may not be the healthiest treat on my site, but it sure was fun for the kids to make and they loved eating it as well!

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    How to Make Mummy Rice Krispie Treat Snacks for Kids

    mummy rice Krispie treat snack

    Are you ready to get started on making this Mummy Rice Krispie Treat Snack? If so, all you need to do is gather a few items and you will be ready to rock. The materials you will need for this snack are:

    Materials Needed to Put Together a Mummy Rice Krispie Treat Snack

    • Rice Krispie treats
    • Eye decorations found in the baking aisle
    • White icing with a piping spout
    • Something to place the rice krispie treats on.

    How to Put Together the Rice Krispie Treat Snacks

    When you are all set and ready to put the Mummy Rice Krispie snack together, it will be a breeze and only take a few minutes.

    The first thing you do is unwrap the amount of rice Krispie treats that you will be using!

    Then, pipe a small amount of icing to the back of the eyes and place it onto the rice Krispie treat.

    Next, pipe the white icing onto the rice Krispie treats to look like mummies.

    That’s it! It’s easy peasy to put this snack together.

    Make it a Lesson!

    Mummy Rice Krispie treat snack for kids

    One of my favorite things to do as a homeschool mom is wrap everything we do into one lesson. So, if we are going to have Mummy Snack, why not watch a short video on Ancient Egypt or Mummies? We could through in some hands-on crafts or worksheets as well. The possibilities are endless!

    One of my favorite ways to incorporate a lesson and snack together is with videos. Here are a few of our favorite videos on Ancient Egypt and mummies.

    Are you looking for some more fun activities to do with your kids? Check out my shop! Here you will find hands on learning in the form of mazes, word searches, seasonal worksheets, and more!

    What to do now:

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