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This month is my son’s birthday month. He would be 13 years old this year if he was still on earth with us. I was looking back at my old blog, No More Afflictions (it’s still up today) that I started back in 2013, right after our second child was born, our rainbow baby Miss B. It was interesting to see how far I have come as a blogger, but I started that blog for healing, before I even knew blogging was a way to make an extra income. I enjoyed reading through the raw emotion and realness of these posts. Are they perfect? No. Do they have the right headlines, are they optimized for SEO, or do they reach a target audience? No. They are posts that I wrote only for me. Since I haven’t been on that blog in probably ten years, I decided to transfer those words, those raw and real words that I wrote after the death of our son, over to this blog. These are just here so they close to me, and also to share with those who truly want to get a glimpse into my journey as a grieving mother. Maybe you have been there too, maybe my words can resonate with you. Regardless, I will be posting these 11-year-old blog posts on the Peaceful Nest, words that take me back to that open rawness of painful grief. I am not touching them, editing them, or doing any type of SEO, they will stay exactly how they came out of me during those moments as I navigated my grief.


Written: August 1, 2013

by StockSnap from pixabay

This week I’ve been studying the book of Job. Yes, I’ve read it before, but I’ve never really took the time to study it. To really try to understand what Job felt, how he got through all these tragedies in his life. If you have not read the book of Job, I strongly encourage you to. Especially if you are struggling with something in your life. If you have trouble understanding some of it try using a study bible.

Most of us know what Job went through. He lost everything he owned and he lost his children all in the same day. Well if we pay close attention to the book of Job at the beginning, we see that Satan comes to the Lord after roaming the earth looking for someone to deceive. He tells the Lord this and the Lord says what about my servant Job? There’s none out there like him. Satan then goes on to say in basic terms, well you have your hedge about him and his family and all he owns, I can’t touch him.

Let’s think about that for a minute. Isn’t that amazing?  Satan could not touch anything that belonged to Job or Job himself, because the Lord put his protection around him, I find that so incredible. We can take comfort knowing the Lord WILL protect us if we are children of his.

Next the Lord goes on to say ok well I give you permission to try him. Just do not touch the man himself. You see Satan was convinced that once Job lost everything he would turn his back on God. But God had faith that Job would not ever turn his back on him. So Satan attacked him. See something very interesting here. God himself did not harm Job and his family. The Lord just allowed it to happen. In this particular situation it was to test Job’s faith and show Satan that he’s faithful to the Lord.

So Job loses everything and his wife tells him to curse God and die. Ouch, that would stink not having your spouse there supporting you. Job tells his wife that she was talking like a foolish woman and says “shall we accept good from the Lord and not trouble?” So in all of this Job never cursed God.

Next Satan comes back to God and says no Job didn’t falter in his faith in God BUT if Job becomes ill he will then turn his back on God. So the Lord says ok just do not kill the man. How amazing is this conversation. The Lord is actually giving Satan permission to make Job ill. Why? because he knew Job would stay faithful and he had great things in store for Job.

So Job falls ill. His three best friends come and sit with him for 7 days. By this time Job is pretty depressed. You can tell in the way he talks. He doesn’t understand why is it that these things are happening. This shows me that when we are going through trials and tests and are a Christian, it is OK to be sad. It is ok to be depressed and it is ok to question things. As long as we don’t turn our backs on God, he will always see us through.

So after these 7 days his friends start in on him. They tell him in a round about way that he must have done something to deserve all these things and he needs to repent. They also say a whole bunch of other things and just were very rude to Job. Not supportive or loving like they should have been. So Job calls them out on it and you see many chapters of his friends talking and then of Job talking. I feel sorry for the man, his wife and friends turned on him. He had no support system whatsoever. It is important to have a support system especially through trying times.

In the end The Lord finally answers Job and tells him what’s up. He curses Job’s friends for speaking untruths into Job’s life. Then he doubly blesses Job.

That is something we should all hold on to. This story is so amazing in so many ways. If you are a child of God the Lord has a hedge of protection around you and all that belongs to you. It shows that the Lord never does anything to us, he just allows things to happen. And before a tragedy happens Satan has to get permission from the Lord before doing it. WOW. so amazing. Then, this story shows that even if we are sad and depressed and questioning why, the Lord still loves us. It is ok, you are not turning your back on him by questioning. Trust me, when David passed I did alot of questioning. I don’t know why it happened. but I know the Lord loves me, and he loves my husband and family.

The most amazing part to me is that Job was doubly blessed. He got everything he lost back, times 2. So cool. I know the Lord will bless me. I don’t know when or how, but I know that I will be blessed. And I know that the Lord loves me. That’s what truly matters.

So if your going through I trial open up the book of Job. Read how he handled his trials. Lean on the Lord. Because sooner or later it will all get better.

This too shall pass.

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