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Common Reasons People Choose to Homeschool
Have you decided to homeschool your child? Are you looking for reassurance on your decision? Are you wondering why anyone would make the decision to homeschool their child? Take a look at these common reasons people choose to homeschool. (Read: Dear Internet, I am Not a Perfect Mom.)
We made the decision to homeschool our children when our daughter was three years old. The thought of sending her to public school made me feel physically ill. The thing is I went to public school and my husband went to public school. Neither one of us had any traumatic experiences and our public-school days were actually pretty pleasant. But I knew that I wanted to make a different choice for our children.
My husband was also in agreement.
If you’re wondering why some people with choose to homeschool their children, you will find a broad array of reasons. There is no one-size-fits-all reason for homeschooling a child. But many people are making this choice as each year goes by. And these are the top six reasons we chose to homeschool our children.
Foster a Love of Learning

We want our children to love to learn. The love of learning can help them throughout their entire lives. It will allow them to pursue their dreams and desires for what they want in their adult lives. I remember that when I went to public school, I hated learning. Because most of the time, I was bored or felt rushed to learn a certain way and keep up with my peers.
A child who does not love to learn will not put their entire effort into doing this task. They may start to feel like they aren’t smart because they can’t keep up with their peers. Or that they aren’t creative because I don’t like a certain topic. I knew I wanted my children to love to learn. Children are born naturally curious, but when they are told they aren’t doing something right or that they aren’t keeping up with their peers, or maybe they are more advanced than their peers and then they get bored and in trouble because they’re bored. All these can have an impact on their love of learning.
With homeschooling, I can Include my children in the planning process of what we are going to learn for the year. I can pay attention to their learning styles and make learning fun for all of them in a certain way that they learn.
When children love to learn, they are excited about school. And they will be excited about life.
More Time with My Kids
I am privileged because I get to stay home with my children. I didn’t want that to end when they went off to public school. Keeping them home and homeschooling them has giving me the opportunity to watch them grow and spend time with them that I wouldn’t have otherwise. Childhood is so short and children grow so fast I didn’t want to miss out on this time that I have with them.
Learn at Their Own Pace

Homeschooling has allowed my children to learn at their own pace. My oldest daughter is flying through her math, and she is now currently doing third grade math. She’s only seven. But it wasn’t until last year that she actually learned how to read really well. And that is because I was able to find the right program that would help her learn to read the way her learning style was.
Homeschooling has allowed my children to learn different subjects at their own pace without feeling rushed to keep up with their peers or feeling bored because they have already learned with their peers are on.
Learn About Life
I wanted my children to be able to learn about life. And it’s hard to learn about life we are stuck in a brick and mortar building Surrounded by only people your own age.
Homeschooling has allowed our children to converse with people of all ages, younger than them and older than them. It has allowed us to take part in activities that we never would have gotten to do because they would’ve been in school all the time.
They say school supposed to teach a child about life, public school does not teach children anything about life. And I really believe we are getting a glimpse of this now.
Know and Facilitate What They are Learning

We wanted to know what our children were learning. We wanted to be the ones facilitating what they were learning. If you have something that is important to you, a value you really wish to instill in your children, it’s probably very important that you find out if they teach this value in public school or if they teach against this value in public school.
I knew I wanted to teach my children morals and values that we hold dear in our lives. That we believe is important to have as they grow. And I knew they would not be taught this in public school. And I also knew that their peers and maybe even their teachers would fight hard against these values and morals. When it comes to other homeschool families, I have noticed this is one of the more popular reasons why people choose to homeschool.
Keep Child Away from Bullies
When I was in public school, I remember some kids being mean to other kids. And I also remember hearing stories of bullies. I never experienced bullying myself, but I knew it was real. Now that I’m an adult, I hear about bullies in the public school system more than I thought was imaginable. Having siblings who were also in the public school system after me, I realized that bullying has become more rampant in the system. And I did not want my children to be exposed to bullies.
I know some people believe that being bullied Makes a child stronger. But I do not believe this. I do not believe a child should have to endure being harmed or bullied every single day for the sake of education. If we were being bullied at our workplace, we would not stand up for it. So why make a child endure this? Now, I do not see my children being bullied. But you just don’t know about children these days. I wanted to keep them away from the chances of having to endure unwanted hatefulness.
My children are outgoing and have beautiful personalities. And I know that your children are beautiful and have great personalities as well. My husband and I want our children hold onto their original personalities as much as possible as they grow. Homeschooling gives them the freedom and the growth to be themselves without having to worry about their peers or fitting in. It allows them to love learning and learn what they want to learn about.
Homeschooling has allowed our children to grow closer together, and closer to us as their parents, and also to experience life in a way they never would have if they were going to public school.
Homeschooling is not for everyone. Just like public school is not for everyone. But if you’re wondering what the reasons people choose to homeschool are, these are my top six reasons why we chose this path for our lives. (Read: How to Homeschool from Peace.)
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