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Alphabet Coloring Pages Pack

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alphabet coloring pages pack

Is your child learning their letters? Or are you looking for a way to introduce the concept of capital letters and lowercase letters to your child? With this pack you can introduce each letter of the alphabet to your child. They will become familiar with words that begin with each letter, like q is for queen and a is avocado. If your child loves to color this is an excellent worksheet pack that helps introduce the letter.

This pack comes with 26 pages, covering all the letters at least once.

This worksheet is perfect for preschoolers, kindergarteners, homeschool families, daycares, or just families who are wanting to give their child something fun to work on.

Are you ready to buy the Alphabet Coloring Pages Pack? Visit my storefront below!

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Are you looking for some fun activities to do with your kids? Try one of these hands-on crafts!

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