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Fun and Engaging Resources to Enrich Your Homeschool

As homeschool moms, we spend hours upon hours searching the internet, libraries, and talking to others, all in the name of research. There is much more to homeschooling than meets the eye. Every year, you will see hundreds and even thousands of homeschool families attend homeschool conventions in search of the perfect curriculum that will …

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The Genius Star Game Review

Genius Star Game Review Last year, we opted to go with Timberdoodle curriculum choices. Timberdoodle isn’t so much a curriculum as it is a business that selects curricula per grade and distributes them. Throughout the year, my kids and I discovered many things to love about Timberdoodle and a few things we didn’t exactly like. …

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Third Grade and Sixth Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices

Homeschool Through the Years This coming school year will mark our eighth year with homeschooling. We have been on this journey since my oldest was in preschool. It has simultaneously flown by and dragged on. Through the years, we have experienced multiple curriculum choices; some we loved, and others we couldn’t wait to be done …

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Chapter Books for Third Grade Readers

Booklist For Third Graders Booklists can be a child’s favorite thing or their worst nightmare. It all depends on what brings them joy, their weaknesses, and how daunting the book list is. When creating a list like this, it’s important to consider multiple factors. First, how strong of a reader is your child? Sure, there …

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5 Winter Recipes to Make with Your Kids

Today, we have a guest post written by Kevin Fagan, who is the Content Manager at Lobster Anywhere, a mail-order seafood company based in New England. As the winter approaches, the intense craving for warm and comfort food only increases. The few months of winter are the perfect opportunity to cook delicious meals for your …

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