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7 Tips to Reduce Stress as a Stay-at-Home Mom

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Are you a stay-at-home mom who has reached her stress limit? When we decide to be stay-at-home moms, many people think we are taking the easy way out. But the truth is being a mom, in general, is not easy. Being a working mom is not easy, and being a stay-at-home mom is not easy either. There are ways you can reduce stress as a stay-at-home mom. As stay-at-home moms, sometimes we feel like our plates are too full. If we don’t achieve certain things every single day, we fail. But the truth is you are doing fantastic, Momma! You do not have to tackle the world or everything in one day. Here are seven tips to help you reduce stress as a stay-at-home mom. (Read: Being a Stay-at-Home Mom on a Budget.)

What to Do to Reduce Stress as a Stay-at-Home Mom

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by Kampus Production from Pexels

I have been a stay-at-home mom since my child was born almost 12 years ago.

Now, I have four young children, and I work full-time from home. I also homeschool three of my children.

I still have the duties that come with being a mom in general.

Throughout the years, I have learned different ways to reduce my stress level.

Also, I have learned when my stress level is high. I tend to put it on my family as well. Then, my husband’s stress level goes high, and so do my children.

Indeed, the mom is most definitely the heart of the household.

Do you know that old saying mama a happy ain’t nobody happy? It’s supposed to be a funny clip at Moms, but it is true.

Moms are the heart of the household and are typically the ones the family members take cues from.

Are you looking for ways to reduce your stress as a stay-at-home mom? These tips are my go to tips. They can help reduce stress as a stay-at-home mom and the stress level of your family as well. Who doesn’t want that?

Here are seven ways I have learned to reduce stress as a stay-at-home mom.

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by studioroman (1)

Create a routine the whole family thrives on.

Maybe you love routines, or perhaps you hate them. However, throughout the last 7 1/2 years, I have learned that a routine is a must for my family to thrive.

I have known several families who don’t have any sense of routine.

Some thrive well.

I have noticed others are constantly struggling and asking me for ways to get their stress under control.

This is the number one way that I offer people. Create a routine that your family thrives on! This is one way that I have found to reduce stress as a stay-at-home mom.

Children who know what to expect are less likely to act out.

When they know that bedtime comes after the book and the book comes after the bath, they are less likely to fight you at bedtime.

Of course, that’s not saying they won’t fight you. But they are less likely to when they know what to expect.

If you think about it, children are not in control of much regarding their daily lives.

They are shuffled about from school to sports to home. They need a sense of stability when it comes to their lives.

You can give them a sense of stability by creating a routine your family can thrive on.

Here are some ideas for creating a routine that your family will thrive on.

Meal plan/meal prep on the weekends/day off.

My least favorite things are shopping for groceries and making a meal plan.

But when I take the time to sit down and prepare a meal plan, I have learned that my days run so much smoother than when I don’t.

I’m not worrying about what I need to make for dinner, lunches, or breakfast.

I’m not worrying about “now I have to run to the store and get something else ’cause we’re all out.”

Making a meal plan for the next week or the month can be a sanity saver for you.

Sit down, write out several meals your family loves, and then choose from them.

You can also meal prep for the week on your days off. This will make your weeks run smoother.

I can pop my side and the main dish in, then forget about it until dinner!

Have a quiet time/nap time so you can rest.

C View more by Tetiana Nekrasova from corelens
by Tetiana Nekrasova from corelens

If your child still naps, use their nap time to rest. When you’re well rested, your stress level will go down.

Set aside 30 minutes to an hour to just lay on the couch, read a good book, or sip a cup of coffee.

Whatever it may be, it takes that time for just you.

People who go to work get a lunch hour. So, there’s no reason why stay-at-home moms shouldn’t have a break, either.

If your child no longer naps, set aside a time for quiet time. Quiet time is one of my favorite times of the day. Here are some great activities to keep your children entertained during quiet time. While you take a few minutes for just yourself.

Give your children chores to do.

Ah, the chore charts. Does it ever actually work? The truth is it works with a lot of effort.

Teaching your children how to do chores while they’re young is very beneficial for them, and it’s a bonus for you because you can take some load off of yourself while they do some work.

We tell our children all the time they live here, so it’s also their responsibility to help keep our home.

Pinterest has some great ideas for chores for children of all ages.

My children love to look at it and see what they are supposed to be doing that day.

Do certain chores on certain days.

This is for yourself, Momma. Are there certain chores that you do not like to do? Mine is putting away laundry!

Make a schedule for yourself on when you do certain chores. Then, do them on those days and push through so you don’t fall behind.

Don’t take on too much.

_View more by AnnaStills from Getty Images
by AnnaStills from Getty Images

People often think that because we stay at home, we have all the time in the world.

But that is not true. There are things that we have to get done during the day that are important.

To learn how to say no. Be OK with saying no when someone asks something that would be too much for you.

Trust me. This is for your sanity. It is OK to be selfish when it comes to your sanity.

Find your tribe.

Find the people in your life that you can count on and turn to when you’re having a rough day.

Whether it’s your mom or best friend, someone you’re not afraid to shoot a quick text to. “Hey, I’m having a rough day. Can you pray for me?” Or “Hey, let’s get the kids together. So I can vent to you about some things in my life.”

Whoever it may be, find your tribe. No one is meant to go through life alone. And no one is meant to go through motherhood alone.

Being a stay-at-home mom is a choice you have made. But that doesn’t mean you must be stressed out all the time.

Being a stay-at-home mom is a huge blessing. You get to watch your children grow up and see them hit their milestones. You can use these tips to reduce stress as a stay-at-home mom.

There’s no greater blessing and privilege. You should be able to enjoy it and not feel stressed to the max every single day.

I hope these tips I’ve helped you reduce your stress levels as a stay home mom. What advice would you add to a mom who is looking to reduce stress as a stay-at-home mom? (Read: Dear Internet, I’m not a Perfect Mom.)

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