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Becoming a Mother for the First Time is a Life-Changing Experience.
Your life changes after having a baby. There are so many things no one tells you about being a first-time mom, from dealing with post-birth hormones to sleepless nights. But it’s also one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do! I know when I became a first-time mom, I was a nervous wreck. My daughter was a preemie; after losing her brother a year before, I still remember the night I brought her home from the NICU.
I didn’t sleep at all the first night, I was afraid to close my eyes! Every first-time mom has the same feelings, like the whole world was just placed into your hands, and somehow you are going to screw it all up. These days may be long momma, but one day you will look back and realize they really flew by. Let’s talk about ten ways your life changes after having a baby. (Read: Dear Internet, I’m Not a Perfect Mom.)
10 Ways Your Life Changes After Having a Baby

1. You’ll Be Exhausted
Having a baby is a fantastic experience, but it’s also exhausting. You’ll need all the energy you can get from dealing with feedings and diaper changes to coping with sleep deprivation. So be sure to take time for yourself, even just a quick nap or a relaxing bath.
And the exhaustion goes beyond just physical. In those early days you will be emotionally and mentally exhausted as well.
2. Your Hormones Will be all Over the Place
After you give birth, your body will undergo many changes. Your hormone levels will fluctuate, and you may experience mood swings. This is completely normal; every woman experiences it. You may find that you are crying at the drop of the hat. Be patient with yourself.
3. You’ll Have to do a Lot of Laundry
Okay, so this one may seem odd. BUT hear me out. Babies obviously go through alot of clothes. For starters, your household just grew by one or maybe even two. Then, babies spit up, like all the time. (some more than others.) They also have this nasty thing called a blow out, again, some more than others. OR they dripple their milk onto their clothes, there’s always some liquid coming out of a baby.
Not only that, but you may also find that your laundry pile is growing too, as you get spit up on, drooled on, and so on.
4. Your Social Life Will Change

Having a baby will change your social life, at least for a little while. You may not be able to go out as often as you used to, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun. Even a fun night in with your partner is worth the effort.
If you find yourself drifting away from your friends, don’t be alarmed. This is pretty normal for new parents. But it’s likely you and your friends will bounce back after a while.
5. Your Relationship Will Change
Having a baby will also change your relationship for the better and for the worse. You’ll need to find a new way to communicate and connect with your partner. It’s important to be patient and understanding as you adjust to this new life phase.
Moms may begin to feel like their whole world is their baby, they may be distracted, exhausted, and on edge. Dads sometimes feel left out, like they have somehow been replaced. It’s important to talk openly with your spouse about expectations and feelings.
6. You’ll Worry…a Lot

Worrying about your baby is expected, especially when they’re first born. There’s a lot to consider, from their health to their development. As a new first-time mom, this worry is often magnified. Unfortunately, the worry you feel doesn’t ever go away. It may lessen over time, and you will redirect your worry to other avenues. But caring for a new human is a big responsibility! It’s only normal to worry.
7. You’ll Make Mistakes…and That’s Okay
No one is perfect, and that includes first-time moms. You’re bound to make some mistakes, but that’s okay. Learn from them and know that you’re doing the best you can.
8. You’ll be Amazed by What Your Body Can Do
Giving birth is a fantastic feat, no matter how it happens. Likewise, your body is incredible, and you should be proud of everything it’s accomplished. Being a momma, growing a baby inside of you, and then birthing that human being is rockstar status. It’s something to be incredibly proud of!
9. You’ll Fall in Love…Hard

There’s no feeling quite like becoming a parent. The love you feel for your child is unlike anything else. So, cherish every moment, even the tough ones, and know that this special bond will last forever.
Even twelve years later, I still look at my children and think dang, I gave them life and they are absolutely perfect. I can’t believe how much love a mother’s heart can hold.
10. Your Life Will Never be the Same
Having a baby is a big responsibility, but it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences ever. Your life will change in ways you could never have imagined. So, embrace the challenges and enjoy every minute because it goes by fast. (Read: How to Help Your Family Feel More Peaceful.)
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