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10 Fun First Day Of Homeschool Traditions to Start This Year!
Are you starting home school this year? Or are you a seasoned homeschooler looking for fun traditions to start this year?
One thing I remember while growing up was the first day of school traditions we had.
I attended public school. When we decided to homeschool, I knew I didn’t want our kids to miss out on the fun traditions that come with being in grade school.
Did you know you can still create fun traditions for your children even though you homeschool?
Here are ten fun first-day homeschool traditions you can start this year with your children, which they will look forward to each year!
Special Breakfast

Breakfast is not my forte. But it happens to be one of my children’s favorite meals of the day. Creating a special breakfast for your children to look forward to on the first day of homeschooling can become a long-time tradition. You can make special pancakes or character breakfasts. Or does your child love a big breakfast hearty breakfast? Whatever it may be, make it a special traditional exclamation.
First Day Pictures

Just because your child is homeschooled doesn’t mean they have to miss out on picture day or the first day of pictures. You know all those cute photos every mom uploads to their Facebook every year that exclaims the first day of second grade! Or the first day of kindergarten!
You can get in on the action and create your own first-day pictures with your homeschoolers. There are some really cute ideas here. And if you’re at home school or do not go by grades, you can always add the ish at the end. Accurate and humorous! !
Child Interview
When my favorite things to do with my children or child interviews. I love to interview my children on what they want to be when they grow up, who they are, what their favorite things are, etc.
First Day of School Questionnaire
This is similar to a child interview but instead of asking them questions you have them fill it out themselves about them and their family.
Treasure Hunt

Another really fun idea is a treasure hunt! Wrap your child’s school supplies up in wrapping paper and hide them around the house. This can include any fun treats.
Before you get started on your day have your child go on a treasure hunt and find all their school materials. This will make for a fun start to a new fun year!
Make Family Goals

Sit down with your child and ask them what their goals are for the year. What do they want to accomplish? What are some things they would like to learn? What subjects do they want to spend more time in? One of the best things about homeschooling your children is that you can tailor their learning atmosphere to what is best for them.
Make T-Shirts
This is a new, fun one that we are going to try out this year. Make T-shirts with your children with their Names and their graduating year on them or the year it is.
You could even start this when they’re starting their kindergarten year and get adult-sized T-shirts for them to wear every year as they grow.
Bake a Special Treat Together

Make a special treat to have at the end of the day or during your lessons. This could even be a great addition to doing poetry teatime together or a special baking lesson.
Decorate the Home School Room
If you have a homeschool room, decorate it for the first day of school. If you don’t have a homeschool room like us and just homeschool wherever, grab some balloons and streamers and decorate
The room you will be staying in for your homeschool lesson. This will create a fun atmosphere and get your children excited about learning!
Create a Home School Theme for the Year- Make a Crest or Symbol
This could be done while you’re also writing down your homeschool goals. Create a theme that you want your homeschool to look like this year. It could be anything broad or more specific, like growing in the love of God. We’re learning to work together as a team. It’s also fun to create your own theme as a facilitator for your homeschool. The theme I have decided on is arrows from the verse in the Bible that talks about how our children are arrows in the hands of warriors.
You could even make your own crust or symbol that can be hung up in your homeschool room or house. Do you remember why you were homeschooling and what your theme and goals are this year?
Do a “Team Building” Activity

Have a team building activity to do if you have multiple students that you are teaching. This will help them learn how to work together even if they’re not the same ages. Plus, it’s fun for the whole family! Here are a few ideas.
Tips to Make Your First Home School Day Go Smoothly
Take it Slow
You do not need to rush the day. Go at your child’s pace
and pay attention to their cues. Your home school does not need to be 78 hours a day. Children are learning every day, all day long, and everything they do. We tend to forget that public schools are so long because they teach multiple children in the classroom, some up to 20 children. There’s a lot of downtime for children who are in public school waiting on other peers to get done.
Take your time and take it slow especially on your first day. Introduce everything in a fun and slow way that will help your children grow to love to learn because that is the goal of homeschooling.
Don’t Try to Recreate a Classroom Setting.
Do you not try to re create a classroom setting. One of the reasons you are homeschooling is that you’re not sending your child to public school, so why try to recreate what they would be experiencing in a public school atmosphere?
I used to have a homeschool room. But then I realize that it was a waste of money and time and energy because my children never wanted to learn in that room. They would much rather get their books out and sprawl out on the floor the couch or even at the kitchen table. So we redid our homeschool room and put it back into a regular living room, and everyone is happier.
That’s not to say some students who are homeschooled don’t thrive in a homeschool room. I know several homeschool mamas who have beautiful homeschool rooms for their children. However, you do not have to recreate a setting that is similar to that of a public school.

Include Your Children in the Planning Process
Ask your children what they want to learn about. Try a unit study or ask them what subject they really want to learn. Get them involved in the learning and planning process, and then they will become more excited to learn.
Learn How to Home-School from Peace!
Here are several tips on how I have learned how to homeschool from peace. In order to have smoother days than not while homeschooling, it is important to learn how to homeschool from peace.
You can make the first day of homeschool memorable for your child.
Your child does not have to miss out on the first day of school traditions just because they are homeschooled. If anything, you can make the first day a magical one that they will remember for the rest of their lives and look forward to every single year.
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